How to Register and Verify Google My Business

What appears in Google search results when people type in the name of your business or product? Has the information appeared as shown below?

how to register google my business niagahoster

The business information that appears to the right of Google search results is a Google My Business or Google My Business feature for business owners.

Table of contents 
1 What is Google My Business?
2 Benefits of Google My Business

2.1 1. Providing Valid Information
2.2 2. Providing Complete and Actual Information
2.3 3. Your Business Appears on Google Maps
2.4 4. Make it easier for consumers to find your business
2.5 5. Getting Reviews from Customers
2.6 6. Become a Customer Communication Media
2.7 7. Becoming a Customer Analysis Tool
3 Ways to Register and Verify Google My Business
4 Complete Google My Business Profile

4.1 1. Business Description
4.2 2. Photo
4.3 3. Operating Hours
4.4 4. Facilities
4.5 5. Menu
5 Conclusion

What is Google My Business?

Google My Business is a feature for business owners that is useful for making it easier for potential customers to find complete business information. From the business name, company address, company phone number, company email address, operating hours, company website, office photos, to customer reviews.

Benefits of Google My Business

If your business information doesn’t appear like the picture above, it’s best if your business has it right away. Because Google My Business has a number of benefits that can support the success of your business. Here are the benefits and functions of Google My Business:

1. Provide Valid Information

In the digital era, people have the habit of doing online research before making a purchase. In Indonesia, 95 percent of consumers conduct online research via smartphones before making a purchase.

So when consumers buy products, use services, visit your store or restaurant, they can almost certainly be looking for it on Google. The number of people who do online research before buying certainly requires you as a business owner to provide the best online presence.

One way is to provide valid and reliable business information. Google My Business allows you to provide valid and reliable business information. Because only verified business owners can create Google My Business.

2. Provide Complete and Actual Information

In addition to valid and reliable information, you must also provide complete and current information. In Google My Business you can display information from name, description, hours of operation, to customer reviews.

3. Your Business Shows Up on Google Maps

By listing your business on Google My Business, your office, restaurant or company automatically appears on Google Maps. Customers who want to come to your place of business will easily get to the location with the help of Google Maps.

4. Make it easier for consumers to find your business

In addition to appearing on Google Maps, your business will also be easier to find in Google search results. When people search for your business name on Google, Google will display your business information to the right of the search results.

When people search for product keywords related to your product, your business can also appear in search results.

5. Get Reviews from Customers

how to register google my business review

This one benefit is also important for your business, namely customer reviews. Based on Trustklik research, 70 percent of Indonesian consumers trust other customers’ online reviews. In fact, they are 12 times more likely to trust other online customer reviews than the product itself.

If you manage to provide satisfactory products and services, customer reviews on Google My Business can be a promotional tool for your business.

6. Become a Customer Communication Media

how to register google my business questions and answers

Google My Business provides not only customer reviews, but also a customer question and answer feature. Customers can ask questions about your business on Google My Business. These questions can be answered by other customers or by the business owner. 

7. Become a Customer Analysis Tool

In Google My Business, you can also perform customer analysis with the Analytics tool. With simple analytics from Google My Business, you can see how your business is performing compared to other businesses, the number of customers who found your business, and customer interactions with your business.

Also Read: Complete Digital Marketing Learning for Beginners

How to Register and Verify Google My Business

Here’s how to list Google My Business:

Step 1. Go to Google My Business , then click Start Now

how to register google my business start

Step 2. Write your business name

how to register google my business name

Step 3. Fill in the complete address of your office, shop or restaurant.

how to register google my business location

Step 4. Adjust your office address on Google Maps to make it easier for consumers to visit the address you have written.

how to register google my business location 2

Step 5. Write a business category that fits your business. For example, you manage a Padang food restaurant in Yogyakarta then choose the “Restaurant” category. These business categories will make it easier for Google to group your business in search results. When people search for “Restaurant in Jogja” your business information can appear in the search results.

how to google my business list category

Step 6. Next, fill in the phone number or cellphone specifically for receiving calls from customers. If you already have a website, you can write your website address in this section.

If you don’t have a website, you can easily create one using WordPress. Website is important to increase consumer confidence in your company.

how to register google my business website

Step 7. You can choose to receive newsletters from Google or not.

how to register google my business advice

Step 8. This last step is how to verify Google My Business. Google My Business verification is important to protect your business from irresponsible parties who misuse your business information. In addition, verified businesses are considered businesses with a good reputation in the eyes of customers compared to those that are not.

If you have entered complete and correct information, select verification right away by filling in the name of the recipient of the letter. Then click Send Postcard. After that wait for a letter from Google to come to your address. During the verification process, you cannot change the information that you have previously written.

how to register google my business verification

Step 9. Google mail delivery process varies by location. After getting the letter, you can continue the verification process using the verification code contained in the letter.

Step 10. Go to Google My Business and select the location verification menu. Then enter the verification code from Google mail. Google My Business verification is complete.

how to register google my business location verification

Complete Google My Business Profile

After completion of verification, you can complete your business information. During registration, you just fill in your business address, business category, contact information, and website. After verification you can add various supporting information. Here’s the information you need to add:

1. Business Description

how to register google my business description

Write a description of your business in 750 characters. Take advantage of this feature to explain your business to potential customers. Give a short and clear description. What field is your business in, your featured products, and various other important information. You can also edit the Google My Business description if there are changes at a later time.

2. Photo

how to register google my business photo

While photos are optional, they are an important component of Google My Business. Add photos of your office, company, factory or restaurant. The photos you upload can convince customers to buy your product or use your services.

3. Operating Hours

Also add your business operating hours to make it easier for customers to determine when they can come to your place of business. Especially for businesses such as restaurants or restaurants.

4. Facilities

how to register google my business facilities

So that customers can find out what facilities are in your business, also add information about the facilities that you offer. For example, facilities such as special lounges, child care, outdoor dining, is your business friendly for people with disabilities, and others.

5. Menu

how to register google my business menu

You can also display menus in Google My Business. Showcase your menu or featured products on Google My Business so customers can see what you have to offer.


As a business owner, you are required to always be up to date with developments in consumer behavior. One of them is the habit of customers who always do online research before making a purchase.

With this new habit, you should be able to promote your business in a place that customers frequent to do online research before buying, namely Google.

Even Google provides a special feature for business owners to easily promote their business, namely Google My Business. Maximize the potential of Google My Business to reach more customers in the digital age

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